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Tonkatsu Curry



1 packet of curry sauce with vegetables (230g)

400g of cooked rice

280g chicken breast thinly sliced for schnitzel

12g of all-purpose flour

1 beaten egg

80g of panko

Japanese pickle for garnish

Oil for frying




1. Boil 500ml water and place the bag (without opening it) with the curry sauce inside and let it boil without a lid for 3 to 5'.

2. Season the chicken breast with salt and pepper, flour it, then dip it in the beaten egg and finally put it in the bowl with the panko (breadcrumbs).

3. In a saucepan, heat oil (about 2 cm deep) and fry the chicken one at a time for 6-8' (depending on their thickness) until the panko turns golden.

4. Place the rice on one side of the bowl and the curry sauce on the other side. Cut the chicken into strips, place them in the middle, add extra curry sauce on top and garnish with pickles.

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